Plan calls for razing of former grocery store

The site of what was formerly Mike’s All World Market at 999 S. Lapeer Rd. could be home to a new drug store and retail shopping center next year.
The Clarkston-based Lehman Investment Co., LLC had a pre-application conference with the Oxford Township Planning Commission March 25 to discuss its conceptual site plan for the property.
A pre-application conference is an informal, non-binding exchange of information between an applicant and the planning commission regarding a proposed development. Its purpose is to determine if a proposal is permitted within a specified zoning district and provide general guidelines and initial comments to the applicant.
An 11,180-square-foot Rite-Aid Pharmacy with drive-through pharmacy window and a 20,303-square-foot multiple-use retail shopping center are being proposed, according to the conceptual site plan.
The existing 26,000-square-foot grocery store, which was Foodtown prior to becoming the now-defunct Mike’s All World Market, would be razed.
September 2004 was listed by applicant Edwin Adler, managing member of Lehman Investment Co., LLC, as the starting date of the proposed project and May 2005 as the completion date.
Because the property is zoned as C-2, general business, the planning commission determined the proposed use would fit that site.
If the applicant chooses to proceed, the next step in the process is the submittal of a site plan for review by the township’s consultants and consideration by the planning commission.

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