LOCS’s Assistant Superintendent Adam Weldon appointed interim superintendent

By Joseph Goral
Staff Writer
LAKE ORION — Lake Orion Community Schools Board of Education appointed Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Adam Weldon as interim superintendent during a regular meeting on June 12.
The move will be effective July 1, as per state law. Weldon will not serve longer than eight weeks, according to a board document.
“Adam has been more than fair with his time and his compensation,” board President Danielle Bresett said. “And we’re so fortunate to have him step into that role as we continue to work through the process.”
Weldon agreed with administration to receive an additional $100 each calendar day as interim superintendent — far lower than the $1,100 per day other interim superintendents can make, according to Bresett.
The meeting was also Superintendent Ben Kirby’s last with LOCS. Kirby’s last day as superintendent is June 30.
Treasurer Jake Singer said when people ask him for his biggest accomplishment he had on the board, he tells them hiring Ben Kirby.
“I’m so going to miss you so much, but I’m so happy for you to have the opportunity to get back closer to your roots and in with your kids and your ever-expanding family.” Singer said.
Trustee Scott Taylor gifted Kirby a baseball he received from former LOCS Superintendent Marion Ginopolis that was signed by Scott’s childhood hero, Alan Trammell. Ginopolis gave Taylor the ball to be sold in a fundraiser that would contribute in purchasing a wheelchair-accessible van for Scott’s friend, but the fundraiser was canceled after the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The good news, Taylor said, was his friend still received the van through other auctions and fundraisers.
The ball however, remained unsold. Taylor said he went to return the ball to Ginopolis, but she told Taylor to keep it — that he would know who should have it.
Taylor remembered the terrible impacts of the pandemic, but said he pondered the small list of the best things to come out of the time period.
“Ben Kirby is on the top of the list,” Taylor said. “A true, legit leader and man that stood by his word and forever stands by his team. I feel lucky to have been part of hiring him, and it’s a privilege to call him my friend. I think Marion would agree, this ball belongs to him — a true Dragon in every sense of the word.”
Kirby thanked the board and assistant superintendents for giving him a chance.
“I am a Dragon through and through, and always will be,” Kirby said. “So, thank you for everything.”
The board will meet June 25 to select candidates for the first round of interviews.

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