Gun violence awareness month

As of May 18th, our country marked its 227th mass shooting of 2023. Three of those shootings were in Michigan. The daily horror, long-term impact, grief and devastation of the Oxford High School shooting still reverberates in our community. This year, the United States has averaged more than one mass shooting per day, according to […]

Gender discrimination is a pervasive problem

Dear Lake Orion Review, I am writing in hopes that your publication might address a pervasive problem that exists not only in our community but also worldwide: gender discrimination. As an eighth-grade student at Oakview Middle School in Lake Orion, Michigan, I have conducted research and compiled studies that shed light on this issue, which […]

Art & Flower Fair is a success thanks to sponsors, community support

Downtown Lake Orion was bubbling with excitement all weekend with the Orion Art Center’s Art and Flower Fair! Despite Mother Nature’s attempts to squelch the festivities, the VIP Mystery Art Crawl was a terrific event and the weekend was bubbling with community! Many thanks to our sponsors: MSB Studio Fitness, Genisys Credit Union, Lake Orion […]

Girls are treated unfairly in schools

Dear Lake Orion Review, I am an 8th-grade student at Oakview Middle School and I have been studying the social issue of girls being treated unfairly in schools. It is alarming to know that even in the modern age, one in four girls (globally) do not attend school. Girls have faced unfair treatment globally for […]

No public control over how DDA spends tax dollars

The DDA executive director had a 547-word guest opinion with color photos in last week’s Lake Orion Review. In those words, the director listed the wonderful things the DDA has done, or more correctly, was involved with. They are generally good things. We mere mortals are limited to 300 words, and I didn’t know photos […]

DDA is a special interest organization

Well let’s admit it the Lake Orion DDA is a special interest organization authorized by the village council, but organizationally they report to the village manager. After two weeks of guest columns, the DDA executive director has made significant points, pointing out all of the things they have accomplished. Please note the area of benefit […]

Opposed to the DDA’s lumber yard bond

Everyone should know what brainwashing is right? Brainwashing is said to reduce the ability to think critically or independently. To briefly explain, it seems to be what happened when the DDA told the village government why they should agree to a taxpayer expense of almost $7 million over the next 18 years, about $405,000 a […]

Do the math on the proposed DDA lumber yard project

As expected, four members of the Village of Lake Orion council voted for the $5 million bond that the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) wanted. They also handed off future decisions to the village manager because it seems four members of the village council do not want to be bothered with the debt village taxpayers will […]

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