Extra good exists in your body’s muscles

Today many people are involved in personal development so they view the body in a holistic way. Meaning – the whole body, mind, spirit and all its energy fields, auras and frequencies as being synergistic. The whole thing! In that mindset we know what affects one, affects the other. As a spiritual teacher I also […]

What is going on with the Village of Lake Orion government?

A petition has been submitted to change the funding for the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) by eliminating the automatic use of local taxes for the DDA. Yes, the DDA is almost entirely funded by the property taxes paid in the DDA tax capture area of the village. The village government and DDA appear to be […]

Citizens committee thanks all who supported village ordinance petitions

On behalf of the Committee for Equitable Tax Distribution, I’d like to thank the volunteers who tirelessly knocked on doors circulating the petitions and the hundreds of citizens who signed the petition for the adoption of Ordinance No. 36.06 (Shall the Village of Lake Orion adopt Ordinance No. 36.06, which repeals Ordinance No. 36.05, and […]

The flow of understanding leads to wisdom

In dedicating time for my own self-care, I enjoy reading from many different Unity authors as well as other spiritual books. Reading and pondering life is a large part of my self-care regime. Increasing my awareness of all that is available will not only enhance my wisdom and understanding but also store in my memory. […]

Thoughts on the Lake Orion DDA

Well our DDA has done it again! Spent more tax dollars on self promotion. Did you enjoy the very “colorful” direct mail piece that was sent to your home? One of the tenets of the DDA charter is to reduce blight and promote rehabilitation, which they have had some success over the last 37 years, […]

Teen Center?

Ever wonder why there is a Senior Center and not a Teen Center? Senior Center’s give good reasons for Teen Centers. Senior Center’s offer older citizens a chance to socialize and mingle. As we age we lose many of our role purposes. In the normal course of life our children leave home, we retire and […]

What does Father’s Day mean to you?

Being totally honest, neither Mother’s Day or Father’s Day is a favorite of mine. Each is a holiday to honor our earthly parents but in my household both are treated as just another day. I love being a mom, and being grateful for that daily makes every day Mother’s Day to me; no gifts necessary. […]

Support gender equality

I am writing to you as an 8th-grade student at Oakview Middle School in Lake Orion to express my concern about the issue of gender inequality and to request your support in spreading awareness. Men and women should be treated as equals because they are. It is crucial to address this issue globally, as numerous […]

Remembering the Fallen

As I type, memories of Memorial Day 2023 weekend are fresh in my mind. The weekend began at church on Sunday as we remembered the fallen soldiers. We held in the consciousness of prayer all those who left their homes, to serve our country, and became one of the fallen. And, we reminded those who […]

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