Sunday, Jan. 19 is a date to keep in mind if you plan to make a New Year’s Resolution this year. That’s because research has shown that only 18 days after they’ve set their intention for a new year, the majority of people ditch their New Year’s Resolution by Jan. 19. One fitness app has even named Jan. 19 “Quitter’s Day” according an article on the topic.
That article also points out that of the 41% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, only 9% are successful in keeping them.

I know, however, that most of the readers of this column make up the elite 9% who keep their New Year’s Resolutions because they set specific goals and pursue them with relentless passion, expanding far beyond Jan. 19.
With this optimistic view in mind, each year I ask business professionals throughout the communities we cover to share their New Year’s Business Resolution, knowing that it will inspire anyone who hasn’t set their goal for the new year to do so. Here is what this year’s group of inspiring contributors are vowing to do far beyond Jan. 19 in the new year:
Tim Vargas, President & CEO McLaren Lapeer Region
Looking at 2025, our organization is determined to continue to be the provider of high-quality health care to the community, and, in doing so, a source of calm and compassion to the people of Lapeer. Throughout this past year, McLaren Lapeer Region undertook initiatives that increased our patients’ and the greater community’s access to care. This included hosting free health fairs and achieving re-verification as the county’s only trauma center, though our goal now is to build on that. We aim to venture further into the community, help our providers make a connection with those they care for, and to ensure that patients who require care are able to receive it promptly and efficiently.
Bonnie Gettys, President/CEO Barry Community Foundation
Our resolution here is the cherish the past, celebrate the present and strategize our future! With this being our 30th year in existence, we have much to be thankful for!
Theresa Doan, Director of Social Responsibility Genisys Credit Union
As the Social Responsibility Director of Genisys Credit Union, I resolve to continue our commitment to sustainable growth, community empowerment, and ethical practices that benefit our members, employees, and the communities we serve.
We will expand our financial literacy programs to reach more individuals in 2025, with a focus on underserved communities, youth, and seniors.
We will grow and collaborate with local organizations to ensure that our CSR initiatives address the unique challenges faced by all populations within our service areas.
By driving these initiatives forward, we will create meaningful change, align with our credit union’s core values, and strengthen our position as a socially responsible leader in the financial services industry.
Leigh LaForest, Executive Director Grand Blanc Chamber of Commerce
I vow to be more present. Less tech, more in the moment. As for the Chamber, we are going to continue to work very hard to make sure that our members are feeling valued and supported.
Wes Smith, Publisher View Newspaper Group
Be a better listener: We all face the challenge of both listening to the person or group with whom we interact and delivering our own message, pitch or proposal. Stephen R. Covey teaches in his The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Seek first to understand and then to be understood.” I know when I do this, better outcomes result.
Practice gratitude: The Mayo Clinic says, “Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease.” Those are all good reasons to tell those with whom we work that we appreciate them. I also want my clients and colleagues to know their work has value and my relationships with them are important to me, both professionally and personally.
Pete Clinton, Advertising Director View Newspaper Group
My business resolution for 2025 is to stay ahead of everything. It is so easy in life and business to handle all the things we do on a daily basis to get by and forget about what it takes to keep everything out in front of you and not get stuck working from behind. To stay ahead, you need to take care of all the daily things that need to be addressed, but you also need to take the time to make all the extras to happen, which include planning, organization, research, thought, communication, brainstorming and developing more ideas. Focusing on this more will help our team and clients be better prepared to see success.
My New Year’s Business Resolution is to be innovative. While there’s always value in looking back at the way we did something in the past as to not “reinvent the wheel,” in the year ahead I plan to challenge myself and our team to see if there is a better, faster, more efficient, easier or simply more fun way to do the task at hand.
I’d love to hear your New Year’s Business Resolution. Email me at
Emily Caswell is the Brand Manager for VIEW Group, the branding division of View Newspaper Group.
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