DD-GO HANDYMAN SERVICES: Decks, Demo, and a whole more. Wheelchair ramps. Kitchen and Bath remodels. Framing, General repairs, Painting, Tile Work. 810-292-4427.
KITCHEN RENOVATIONS Cabinets and countertops Serving Oakland County for over 40 years with kitchen designs and full service remodels www.custommillinc.com 248-627-4849
ANNUAL HOLIDAY Art and Craft Show, Waterford Baptist Cathedral, Dec. 6th, 10-5, Dec. 7th, 10-4, 2640 Airport Rd. Free admission!
Masterscapes Outdoor Services Fall Clean up Snow Plowing Retaining walls/patio Res./Comm. 248-212-9375
Veteran Owned Champion Window Cleaning Window and Gutter Cleaning House Washing Powerwashing 248-881-5093
GUTTER & WINDOW CLEANING 21 years local service Fully insured * Call Steve 248-373-0425 WE WORK ALL YEAR-ROUND EVEN DURING WINTER