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DROP-IN TUB jacuzzi style, polished brass fixtures, plumbing and electrical assembled, pump plug-in ready. Clarkston $500. 248-408-3177.
DRD CONCRETE SPECIALIST Driveways, Patios Walkways, Steps Free Estimates 25 yrs experience 586-746-8439
JIDAS GENERAL CONTRACTING Concrete flatwork Skid-Steer work Land/lot clearing/excavating Insured 248-872-7334
JR’s CREATIVE PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings Drywall Repair Fully Insured/lFree Estimates 248-625-5638
BUYING OLD COINS, gold, silver, jewelry, old toys and other collectibles. Call for complete list. Cash paid. 248-884-6550.