What if Hilary Clinton should win in November?

You can expect a huge influx of migrants, immigrants, legal and illegal and others who do not plan to leave this country.
Welfare costs will skyrocket. To feed, house and take care of medical needs of thousands of migrants, legal and illegal.
Crime rates will increase with undesirables coming for free everything.
All welfare offices, etc. will be swamped with people looking for handouts.
The unemployment rate will jump as U.S. workers are laid off from their regular jobs to make room for the immigrants.
The legal U.S. citizen will suffer.
This is just the beginning. And the list goes on. Those of us who can pay will shoulder this huge expense!
I ask you, is this what we want for our future?
If you do not like this, vote Republican.
Bruce Jacobsen
Lake Orion resident

2 responses to “What if Hilary Clinton should win in November?”

  1. Truly a historic election. Like Germany in the early 1930s we have a candidate running on a platform of restoring the nation to its previous economic and political supremacy after a disaster war and doing it on a platform of nationalist isolationism and slightly disturbing xenophobic paranoia.

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