RideShare program

Looking for a way to get around high gas prices? Carpool to work.
Sue Stetler, director of communications for South Eastern Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), promotes the organization’s RideShare program, which matches drivers with similar commutes so they can share the price of gas.
‘When you fill out the application, you see others who are in our database who share a similar commute,? she said. ‘It’s up to you to get in touch with them.?
The program has been more popular in the last few weeks, but it’s been around since 1980.
There is also a ‘Guaranteed Ride Home? program. If one carpool partner has to leave work early, the other partner won’t be stranded. SEMCOG will reimburse cab rides or other methods of transportation.
There is also a calculator that takes information on commute distance, how many days a month you work, how many miles per gallon your vehicle averages, how much you usually pay per gallon for gas, and how much you pay per month for parking. It calculates the amount of money that RideShare could save.

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