Please vote ‘Yes’ on the LOCS bond

As the mother of a first grader and a third grader enrolled in Lake Orion Schools, to say I have a vested interest is an understatement.
My husband and I moved here 11 years ago largely based on the wonderful praise that Lake Orion Schools had always received. We knew we wanted to start a family here and do the best we could do for our children.
Things have definitely changed over the years and I have now witnessed both the triumphs and the trials the Lake Orion School District has faced. I do believe my children are receiving an exemplary education, but for how much longer?
With the lack of resources (especially in the areas of technology, safety and classroom space), it is becoming more difficult for our district to stay competitive. The district will not be able to continue providing our children with a world class education unless we vote “Yes” for the Lake Orion Schools bond on Nov. 6.
This bond will not increase our taxes and will provide more safety and more opportunities for our kids and for our community. Other local districts (except for Pontiac Schools) have all passed bonds to benefit their schools. This is the only way our schools can receive the funding they need for improvements.
If you value our Lake Orion Community — more than just the schools — a yes vote is needed. This not only protects our current students, our future students but also our home values and our entire community.
I hope everyone will take a moment to reflect on what this bond can really do to benefit everyone, even if you do not have students enrolled in the Lake Orion Community School District.
We need to do what’s best for our students and our community and vote yes on Nov. 6.
Andrea Choate
Lake Orion resident

One response to “Please vote ‘Yes’ on the LOCS bond”

  1. The benefits of spending money on improvements sounds good. However, who can definitively tell us if there will be an increase in taxes and if there is an increase, what the increase will be be.

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