Lake Orion Community Schools – Snow Days

LOCS Superintendent Marion Ginopolis will regularly share thoughts and updates about district-related topics in The Review.

As we approach the winter, weather conditions, hazardous roads, and power outages often make it necessary to close schools for the safety of our students. This is a difficult decision under the best of circumstances and involves many factors.

If school is cancelled, many people are supportive (especially the students) while others question the decision made. When we don’t cancel, the opposite occurs. So it is always a bit of a challenge to make that decision. I’m often asked about the criteria for weather-related closings. The following information is provided to help answer those questions.

After consulting with the district grounds/maintenance and transportation staff who have driven throughout the district in the very early morning to assess roads, a county-wide conference call occurs with other area superintendents and the National Weather Service to determine current and forecasted conditions.

If roads are such that the district determines driving would be hazardous for buses and student or parent drivers, the district is closed. In addition, if the roads are iced over with little opportunity to gravel and salt on the bus routes, school is cancelled regardless of temperature and visibility.

Keep in mind that the district is very large and, while it may appear that the main roads are clear, that may not be the case on subdivision and dirt roads.

The district would also close if temperatures are deemed to be dangerous for student walkers. That threshold is reached when the wind-chill factor is at negative 25 degrees or colder.

And, finally, other considerations used in the decision to cancel school include visibility, city and county road conditions, location of county snowplows in the area, the ability to clear school parking lots and driveways, weather forecasts and, in some cases, the status of neighboring school districts.

If school is not cancelled, it’s important to note that parents have the right to decide what is best for their family and can keep their children home if they believe the weather is too severe for them to attend school.

Because we recognize that issues of family schedules, day care and a host of other problems are always created when schools close with little notice to parents, we make every attempt to announce school closures often in the evening before or early morning by 5:30 am. When the district closes schools, the local TV and radio stations are notified.

Every effort is made to avoid school closings; however, our primary goal is the safe transportation of all students, parents, and staff.


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