Illegal truckers, speeders squelched by motorcycle patrol

By Elizabeth Lowe
Staff writer

Goodrich – Citizens are reaping the benefits of recent motorcycle patrol.
Residents of Fox Hollow and Rose Lane, who previously responded to a village-generated survey on speed bumps–see motorcycle patrol as a means to deter speeding drivers.
In the M-15 and Hegel Road area, motorcycles have aided in enforcing truck load limits, says Detective Sgt. Mike Tocarchick, commanding officer of the Genesee County Sheriff Department Atlas Township precinct.
Tocarchick estimates 50 citations and warnings have been issued in the last six months.
‘There’s one (officer) on a motorcycle, and one in a car with scales,? he said. To catch errant truckers–which have included a high number of garbage trucks–police vehicles are equipped with citizens band radios.
Citations within Atlas Township are expected to generate local fees, since the township adopted five sections of the Motor Carrier Safety Act and the Motor Carrier Fuel Tax Act in 2004, which went into effect in January.
Fines for speeding and nearly 20 other violations, including lack of inspections, overweight or defective vehicles, or carrying an unauthorized rider can result in fines up to $240 per violation, with additional fines assigned by a magistrate.
‘If they’re in violation that’s very dangerous,? said Tocarchick. ‘I think once these trucks realize enforcement’s being done in this area, it’ll help.?

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