Life is what you make it!

By Linda La Croix

On the morning of one of my niece’s milestone birthdays, I sent her a special text. As I picked up my phone, flashes of her as a baby, the day she was born and the times we have shared popped into my mind.

Through tear filled eyes, I texted how the best in her life is already inside her. I believe when we acknowledge our goodness is an inside job we do not go outside looking for it. Once we know where it is, we can act on it and our best self will manifest in our actions every day. Our actions design our life!

The world we live in is wonderful; how much better would it be if everyone would awaken to the realization that life is what YOU make it?

Perhaps that was easier for me to gather in my consciousness, when growing up, than for others. If I complained to my father about my life and the way I saw it, he would say, “Linda, life is what you make it!”

Let me repeat that statement to you and you take a moment to think on what it means in your life. Ready, take a breath in: “Life is what you make it!”

How did that statement make you feel? Did you know that you are in charge? Are you surprised? Perhaps there is a little spot in your brain that says something like, “Oh, I make my life” or “Oh, I am responsible.” If so, then there is an opening for learning and for more to come your way.

Take my father’s words and see where you can apply them to make improvements in your life. Where can you take action to make your life better?

If you need a little help, it is not hard to find. God not only created this world, He created some really helpful and caring people. These people have created organizations to help you, but you are still in charge. YOU have to make the connections and do the work. You must seek them out. You must show up to these groups, gain whatever information you can and see what you want to put into your life. Know they can help guide you, but you are the one responsible for your own life.

I invite you to think on this statement the rest of today; “Life is what you make it.”

I recall when my father said it to me, I didn’t understand the statement. Today, I can definitely see how it opened up my conscious mind to not accept what life dealt to me. I believe knowing this thought left me open to greater possibilities in my life.

Imagine all people taking responsibility for their lives. Imagine people not blaming others for what is not right in their life, but holding themselves accountable for what they make out of their life.

Life is great, but can be greater if people wouldn’t look to self-medicate through addictive substances like alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, or other temporary feel goods. In the end those will make you feel less than your best.

Together let us see all people stepping up, seeing what is undermining their good and not enhancing their life. Then let’s see all of us taking steps towards a new life through responsibility. Let us see many people improving their lives by reaching out to organizations God has created through the human awareness of His good. These organizations support others in a time of need until they can find new pathways to re-make their lives.

We are all children of God. From the time our creation begins, our best is already inside of us. We do not have to go out and look for it, pay for it or beg for it to be in us. It is already there waiting for us to become awakened to it, glorify it, love it, share it, give it away and bless it, so it multiplies our goodness!

As His children we are created of His good, to be the living action of His good.

Do not believe that a negative exists to take your best away from you. We cannot be anything less than God’s good, unless we choose to allow it. Look deep within and see what good Divine Mind (God) has given you. Choose to adopt the “Life is what you make it!” approach.

Begin with baby steps and by being grateful for all you have no matter how small it seems. Soon you will see a lot happening all around you and it will be good!

FYI – Unity of Lake Orion has a Community Connections Page on their website. Look there to find organizations and happenings that can support you as you make your life.

Visit their no denomination gift store to find booklets for yourself or friends that provide positive words to uplift your thoughts and support your life. It’s open after Sunday’s service from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Many blessings,


Linda La Croix is Unity Director and Prayer Chaplain at Unity of Lake Orion.

Find more on her Facebook page – A Spiritual Walk.


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