Casting vote for Penny

I would like to ask all of your readers to consider casting a vote to re-elect Penny Shults as our Lake Orion Twp. Clerk. She has been a wonderful friend for many years and as one of her Pastors at her church, I can say that she has demonstrated outstanding commitment to her family, faith, community and her post as Clerk in Orion.
In a time where we are hard pressed to find leaders that are honest, caring and principled, we have a shining example in Penny Shults who demonstrates those qualities that our community needs. Penny is the brightest personality that we have in the township leadership and you always leave a conversation with her feel encouraged. Since she is the only candidate with true experience in this field, and is honest and full of conviction to the principles she believes in, it is my opinion that she deserves to be returned to the office of Clerk. Hopefully this will compel everyone to cast a vote for one of the finest leaders we have in Lake Orion, Penny Shults.
Pastor Shannon Shaffer
16 year Orion Township resident

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